Saturday, March 04, 2006

Missing the Holsby Boredom...

That's right, you heard it hear first... there is something about Holsby I miss! JUST KIDDING - there's lots about it that I miss but this one thing in particular is something I didnt have full appreciation for until I left... THE TOTAL LACK OF ANYTHING TO DO!!!
I spent 2 months listening to people stories, going to Hose Bebe's, walking endlessly in the woods with Dan., developing my extremly competitive Eurchre skills and permantenly damaging my rear end bike riding. You do random things when you're that bored. Now I look back though and think that maybe that way of life is a little closer to what God intended for us than this constant blur that seems to be here in North America. Im not saying we should all have the same schedule as we did at Bible School (cause if your Dan. that involved an ubeleivable amount of napping) but it strikes me that the cliche "stop and smell the roses" might really hold a kernel of truth.
I was at Peace Portal last week and the pastor was talking about Mary and Martha and their e xperience sitting at the feet of Jesus. He made the comment that Martha's activity and busyness wasn't wrong, it was just no longer infused with Christ's precense. Our activity, whether at break neck speed or not, needs to be constantly infused with the presence of Jesus, so that even on our busiest of days we take the time to sit at his feet.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

haha u know what i like to do when i'm you! redial anyone!