Thursday, May 04, 2006

A day in the life...

6:50 - Wake up (yes, I still wake up on "Tweedsmuir Time" because my internal alarm is screwed)
7:00 - 8:00 - read in bed
8:00 - go upstairs and sit on the couch because going upstairs tired me out
9:00 - shower (because I got really dirty the day before, sitting on the couch and all)
9:30-10:30 - nap, because showering really took it out of me
10:30-12:00 - watch some Friends or 24 and drink alot of water and Calm tea (thank the Lord for whoever decided to put whole TV seasons on DVD)
12:00 - eat some crackers or yogurt
12:15 - get hiccups from eating (which actually really hurts when your spleen is enlarged)
12:30-2:00 - read or work on application for church (which seems to be taking me 2 weeks!)
2:00 - 4:00 - sleep some more
4:00 - 5:00 - OPRAH!!!
6:00 - dinner with the fam.
7:00-9:00 - Some more TV because the couch really missed me while I ate dinner
9:00 - fall into bed, exhausted from a rouch day at the office

Go Team Mono!!!


Stephanie and Brad said...

Awww Katie- I could not believe it when I heard that you had mono. I am SO SO sorry that you have to go through that. It's horrible. I know- the showers are really exhausting, I remember that all too well. I've been thinking of you and I hope that you start to feel better soon and the mono doesn't drag its bad ol'self out too long like sometimes it tends to do.

Sarah said...

blah i miss you like i miss taking a poo! sodexho was my fibre! and you were my relaxer haha. no but seriously i really really miss you.

Sarah said...


beim said...

Similiar to my life in the summer; except Oprah is terrible, Seinfeld over friends, and a beer in the morning. Otherwise, exactly the same.