Thursday, October 26, 2006


Today I got a phone call from my 6-year-old cousin. In the middle of our conversation, after telling me that his mom's new car has a DVD player, he announced that he was calling me because he was in his dad's car and was bored.
After discussing his budding soccer career (he is the next David Beckahm) he blurted out "and Uncle Steve is my favorite Uncle".
You see Uncle John has been Jake's favorite Uncle since he could say "Uncul Dawn" so I can see the family crisis emerging. "Why is it Uncle Steve now Jake?" I ask, very concerned.
"Because Uncle Steve takes me for really really fast boat rides in his boat," he declared proudly. "And Jenna is my favorite cousin!"
"WHAT? WHY?" I think of all the times I took Jake to McDonalds, our water fights, our cookie making and teletoon watching during those 3 great summers. Jenna must have done something pretty damn good.
"Because her dad takes me for really really fast boat rides in his boat!" Then I remember Im talking to a 6-year-old and I start to recover. 'It will be ok,' I tell myself, 'I can get this back.' For a while there when Jake was 4 I was second favorite cousin to Lucas who had an X Box but I made a quick recovery by teaching Jake how to jersey his brothers.
"And Noni is my second favorite cousin and you are my third! I have to wrap you up. Love you. Bu-bye." And the conversation is over...
Needless to say my self esteem is pretty low right now, think I'll go wallow in the despair as I have dropped to third favorite cousin for the first time in my life.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

haha ur my favorite cousin!