Friday, March 02, 2007

How accepting can we be?

I think today I will rock the boat. As Beimer's subtlety hinted today, I need to take a break from all my blogging about weddings and marriage and I have been mulling this one over in my head for about a week now trying to get up the courage... You see I used to have no problem stirring the pot and being controversial but I've had a plague of timidity for a while now (and a lot of fear that Stephanie's anonymous commenter will come harass me!!). However, Im feeling a little like standing on a soap box today!
In June 2006 the BC government agreed to mandate a homosexual curriculum with no opt-out for students or parents. Now before reading any further you have to remember that this is not my opinion on whether or not we should be having some form of homosexual curriculum in our schools. I merely feel like pointing out that this has been put in place based on the human-rights complaint of a Coquitlam teacher and his partner. Suddenly we see curriculum, with no opt-out (meaning its mandatory for all students), being formed by 2 people. It seems to me that in the fear of homo phobia and prejudice we are running in quite the opposite direction. How is it tolerant of other beliefs that, if they want to educate their children on different types of sexuality at home, they can't. I would say that this is intolerant and prejudice of religious beliefs. All of a sudden, in a world that is dripping with post-modernity and claims there is no absolute truth, we see people being intolerant of certain views. And not only that but these decisions are being made on the basis of a case made by 2 people who are hardly unbiased. How is it discretionary to take a human-rights complaint of two people and create a curriculum around it? Alright, Im off my soap box.

1 comment:

beim said...

But why wouldn't you vaccinate them? Just curious...we have four daughters? I don't want to promote sexual activity before marriage, but we also know that it might happen. To not do it, is that like saying "hey, you will pay for your sins by getting an STD?"

I suppose I wonder if not getting them vaccinated is what is good for our chilren, or is it really just good for the parents so we can fly that moral flag?

Oh man, maybe stick with blogs about marriage.