Thursday, May 31, 2007

chocolate, pollen and my new hobby

So I have officially started running. I state it like that because technically, sometimes I would run before, but it was more of a scattered, Pheobe-esque type running. Danielle and I have officially started training together. Seattle half marathon HERE WE COME!!! (I am pretty sure that the city is unprepared for the disaster we can be as a pair.)
For the most part it's going well, we've been training now for about 3 weeks, I only missed one day and I am really enjoying it. It's so nice to be outside, especially with all the wonderful weather we've been having! It's also really great to have a purpose in my running, I feel like I've got something to accomplish and I actually feel quite invigorated with the challenge. But (of course, there has to be a 'but') this morning, I was a gong show!! I don't really like to run in the mornings, I don't think most sane people would. (that's right, I dont hold Darren or Don in the "sane" category).
I hobbled up to my house this morning, limping because I forgot to wear my knee brace, my eyes were half swollen shut because I forgot to take some Reactine (it was literally SNOWING pollen) and very grumpy because at that point I had been up for 1 hour with NO COFFEE, and I thought to myself "This isn't such a joy this morning".
The invigoration, the "good feeling" of working out, the clear headed calmness - that was ALL gone, I was just crabby. But then at lunch today I had a piece of chocolate cake because "I went for a run this morning so it's ok" and it all kind of evened out. At this rate, I probably wont lose any weight on my excercise program but really, the justification of eating crappy food makes it worth it some days!
So there it is, all 5 of you faithful readers out there can hold me accountable to my running and I will try to spice up the blogs with my new anicdotes*.

(*if someone could tell me how to spell that correctly it would be great)


nurse478 said...


Way to go on your running! I went for a run last week and I was "never again"...

Unknown said...

you copied my post, hehe thats ok we are running together and yes we will lose weight because of all the sweating we do.!!!! yeah for sweat and stinkness!

Tricia said...

Lol, I'm a "never again running" girl too. Am I counted in the 5? Cuz I'm a faithful reader!!